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Frames X 2.8: Design and Code Synchronized
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Exploring Unicode Symbols for Web Design
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Frames X Root: Ultimate Figma Wireframe UI Kit
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The Perfect Figma Tabs Component
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Frames X v2.7: Figma Design System at Scale
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Best Figma Plugins for Design and Development
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Best Practices for UI Color Palettes in Figma
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WYSIWYG UI: How to design a text editor in Figma
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Frames X v2.6: Universal UI Kit and Component Library
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Best Free Icon Packs for Design and Development
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Frames X v2.5: World-largest UI Kit Updated
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Figma Tricks and Tips for Designers
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Frames X v2.4: Text Variables, UI Components, and Charts
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Frames X v2.3: Enhanced Tools for Data-driven Design
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Intro Guide to Figma Variables
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Frames X v2.2: Enhancing eCommerce Experience
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What are your blog posts about?
This page serves as our central hub for learning materials and a public changelog related to Frames X products. It includes educational content and interface design articles specifically focused on Frames X, the largest web design system, and UI kits bundle.
Here, you'll find:
Latest Frames X UI Kit releases, including newly developed components, feature updates, and version history tracking
UI design best practices, tutorials, and free design resources
Essential design system resources, including customizable templates, workflow-optimizing plugins, and real-world implementation examples
All articles are written by a real human—@Dmitriy Bunin. We apologize in advance for any typos.
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